Wednesday, May 26, 2010


What do you know about FAME? This is what I found in the dictionary 'FAME' is the state of being widely known or recognized. Are you sure that is what about FAME?? Yes, FAME is something really beautiful & everyone is dieing to want it ; but at the same time FAME is something really dangerous that you will never expected & it may cost your life to have it. Some people who is unlucky will normally get FAME after they died, some people who is lucky enough get FAME by their own success career or doing something special & many more ways to get their own FAME!! For me, I will definitely do something that I like to do + it must be special in order to get my own FAME. So human do something to get your own FAME & don't ever cover yourself in the normal human body because there is so many things you can do to own a FAME!! 'FAME' is nothing but a Black Diamond.

Have To Study Now

I think I may not going to update my blog for a few days because I have to study for my mid-year. So please don't miss me & wish me luck. :):)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Love You Honey

Only this type love will last forever & thanks for the message!! :):)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Never Attack Fashion

Do you guys know what is fashion?? Fashion is style of dress, etiquette, socializing or hairstyle... Like yesterday my science teacher was actually attacking Fashion & that was rude. He was teaching "Electricity", he said the people who has the cow "poop" on their head will get shocked easily & he keep attacking the hairstyle of some students( everyone laughing). He also 'advised' us not to follow that kind of hairstyle.. That time I really want to stand up & tell him that "This is fashion!!" Actually no ones deserved to comment people's fashion.. Everybody has their own style, why should them because of your stupid "advise" & change their style?? Please shut the fuck up, if you don't know any thing about fashion!! :P:P

:( Sad News :(

My grandmother's sister had just passed away today noon(12:00pm), I really feel bad & sad right now.. I just can't understand, why living things must die one day?? Can't the God just leave the living things alone & let them live happily forever?? It is sad to see the family member leaves us one by one... When I was small, I always begs the god to give me three wishes. One of my wish is all the kind living things won't die, but the evil one will disappear immediately. I hope one day the scientist will create a potion that can make all the living things live forever!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Never Improve

How long more till PMR & T4PY? 3 months? 4 months? Or maybe 5months? Hello!! The clock is ticking now!! Do I still need to wait for my "best" friend or continue the journey alone? If I continue the journey alone, I will loose my best friend ; if I wait for my "best" friend, I will fail my PMR & T4Py : if I choose both, I will eventually get nothing in the end. Actually today during SPA time, I wanted to raise up my hand for the people who like performing, but I do not dare to raised up. So I think that already proved me how "brave" am I!!

:| Friendship :|

Friendship is really funny & it do play a very confusing role!! Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad!! They acted like really close to you but actually in their heart they said:" Fuck off, losers"!! I'm a person who need supports.. Sometimes they do give me supports & it's make my confident level rises, but sometimes like today they will just step on my confident level & push it down. :(:( Do I really need to be like them? Step on people's & bring their confident level down?? :| Today after school is over, I get scolded by my "friend" because I asked her a question. I feel like a loser in being a friend of her, so I think I just have to give up this friendship even though that I don't want to.. :(

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Alejandro - Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

Don't call my name!!! Alejandro will be the next single for Lady Gaga.. Can't wait for her video!!! I know she is alway come up with something amazing!!! :) Love Gaga!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

:| Friends "For A While" :|

Friends Forever or Friendship never end, is that true?? How long can friendship last? One year, one month, one day, one minute or a second?? It's really hard to find a true friend. I thought friends should know what the another thinking but I never know what my friends want. I had to guess every single thing they thinking & what they want. Can't we just treat each other nice & that's all I want.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

:| What A Disappointed Moment :|

Almost every time I keep telling people that I don't care how's my look looked like,is ugly or handsome... But actually I do care really much!! When people said: "Kenneth, you looked UGLY!!" That'll change my mood immediately & it will bother me for few days!! Cause that prove me that I'm a useless, ugly, worthless rubbish!! How sad!! No talent!! Bad looking!! Not smart!! This all really bringing my confident level down to the hell!! :(