Friday, July 9, 2010

Trial 1+ Bad Result :(

I'm feeling so nervous & not so excited for the Trial 1. I have so much more revision to do & today was not my best day. I got the worst result ever in Sri KDU or you can say in my life too.. I never get any result that is only an A for 10 subjects, even my Pendidikan Moral didn't get an A. The worst thing is the electrical-guitar(SPA).. I got a causing-nervous marks & do you guys know that how important that the paper is to me. Stupid guitar teacher don't how to teach & wasted my money. :P My mom is going to be mad & kill me tonight. :(:( But the way I think I would not able to update my blog again & online for a week because of the trial 1. So good luck for those who is having exam next week!!

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