Tuesday, June 29, 2010

:@ Gaga Fight :@

I HATE MY COUSIN!!!! Cause he such a copydog & an asshole.. Not to say that I hate him to copy me but it's just so annoying whenever I got something & he wants it too like the Gaga's earphone & other Gaga's stuff that my aunt bought from USA for ME.. Just now I saw him asking my aunt from US to call his number, I think everyone can guess what's going to happen in the conversation, right?? Of course about the Gaga's earphone.. My aunt was blaming me for the Gaga's earphone thing & she wanted to kill Lady Gaga because she think Lady Gaga separates our relationship.His attitude is so disgusting & bitchy + he is so not cool & like from KAMPUNG one + he is not deserved to be a fan of Lady Gaga!! :P:P Bitchy ASSHOLE


  1. haha! bcoz you too COOL! thats why he wanted to copy you!!! you should be pround!!!
