Monday, November 22, 2010

:( Oh, My Little Vicky. I Love You :(- 23 November 2010, Evening

Oh~ My little Vicky,

I miss you so so so much. I know you must be very sad that I wasn't there with you while you are leaving & I'm sad too :( I meant very sad.:(:( No matter what people say about you to make me abandon you, for me you are the best & prettiest puppy ever. It's so unfair that you were born with diseases & you do not deserve this. Please blame me for being a bad master, I did not take good care of you & please forgive me that I had chose to give you up because that is the best option for you right now. I doesn't want you to suffer more so... SoRRy, here's my apologize to you for giving you up & I never want to giving you up if I have any better choice :(
Go in peace & a better place

Love & Miss you,
Your Bad Master :(

Oh, My Little Vicky. I Love You :

Oh, My Little Vicky. I Love You :