Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20-10-2010 After Watching Love In Disguise

The movie, Love In Disguise starts at 8:00pm but we(My Sister, Vyen & I) were late about 10 minutes & the movie had started. When we've arrived to the Tesco, we quickly ran to the cinema section & rushed to our seat.

While I was watching the movie, my mind & heart keep on telling me that I could direct better, act better, sing better & blah blah blah..( Because the all the actor wasn't that good) But when the movie is about to end, I freaks out..

Now my mind is completely blank, I wish I could continue the diary thing but when I was trying to speak out something that I was trying to say in my heart, the magical feeling is gone & I don't know what to continue( This always happen when come to writing, I have bunch of ideas & points at fisrt & slowly disappear as I was about to write).. SoRRy

No Reason :P Just Because I Feel Like Doing It :P

After watching Love In Disguise, I was 'Speechless'. I wasn't really surprise with what Lee Hom did in the movie. The acting thing was not that GOOD but there was a thing that I was attracted to & it was all those songs & how much he love chinese music. All those songs were written well & so meaningful :)

Just to tell you that whenever I finished watching a movie or after listened to a song, I will start comparing myself & the product + I will be kinda quiet for a few hours dreaming & talk to my self in my mind (Weird, right?) But that's me, so accept me :P

Don't ask me why I want to blog out of the sudden tonight... Well, as if you want the answer because I felt like doing it